BDC: Missions
Untitled Document
BDC: Project Hope


Honduras is a small, often forgotten, third world country located in the mountains of Central America. Over 50% of the population is under 18 and the greater majority lives in unspeakable poverty. Many Hondurans live off of less than $2.00 US per day. Inadequate healthcare, a lack of education, poverty, and unemployment are the norm. Driven to desparate measures, many of the children and youth turn to violence, gangs, and crime for survival leaving Honduras with the highest murder rate off any nation.

Thousands of Honduran children attempt to cross the border of the USA to find work and family members. Unfortunately most of them end up incarcerated in Mexico or Guatamaula, living in terrible conditions. Other children, trying to survive on the street, are exterminated by ruthless groups in the name of social cleansing.

Powerful gangs made up mostly of youth have a powerful influence on the Honduran society. They are ruthless and violent, linking up with drug cartels, using Honduras as a transshipment point. Kidnapping, extortion, and assault are their main activities.

The Buffalo Dream Center has partnered with other ministries and churches to reach out with the love of Jesus to the people of Honduras. Each year teams from the Buffalo Dream Center spend one week in Honduras. During their week they help build homes for homeless families, conduct school and village outreaches, provide food and share the love of Jesus with people living in the garbage dumps, and encourage and equip the Christians in Honduras through conferences and training seminars.