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The Torture Game

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: Yes | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No


2 teams of 10-12 people
All the objects for the instructions
2 Paper bags/buckets with 10 or so instructions written on them


Have each team line up at one end of the room. Have the supplies for the game at the other end of the room. Have the team choose who will be tortured. They should stand at the end of the room with the game room supplies. Each team should get a bag or bucket with the instructions in it. On “go” the first team member pulls out an instruction. They have to run to the other of the room and perform that instruction. Once they are done they have to run back to their team, and then the next person goes. The first team done all their instructions wins. By the end each team will have done the same things to their volunteer, just in a different order.

Here are some sample instructions:

1.Tie your team member to the chair.
2.Feed your team member a donut.
3.Draw a happy face on their forehead with a marker.
4.Put lipstick on their lips.
5.Give your team member a drink of water.
6.Place 4 sponge roller in your team member’s hair.
7.Place clip on earrings on your team member.
8.Paint your team members fingernails