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Peanut Butter Sandwich Toss

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: Yes | Messy: Yes | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No


5 players for each team
2 sets of old clothes
2 jars of peanut butter
2 loaves of bread
2 knives


Spread plastic out at the front. Have someone from each team put on the old clothes. Have them stand on the plastic. About 4-6 feet away set up a table for the teams to line up at. On the table should be the peanut butter, knives, and bread. On “go” the first person on each team spreads some peanut butter on some bread, and then throws it at their teammate standing at the front, hoping it will stick to them. Continue until the whistle blows. The team with the most pieces of bread stuck to their teammate is the winner.