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Behavior Awards

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: ice breaker | Location: indoor | Food: No | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No




Balloons – 3 for each side (boys and girls, or one group)
If the whistle is blown and your side is still talking and not paying attention, then I will have to pop a balloon.
If all 3 balloons are popped then your side doesn’t get a treat at the end.
Participation Awards – I have some volunteers watching to see who is participating today
If you are participating you will be handed a Participation Award Ticket. At the end of the program you can come up to the front and cash in your ticket for a piece of candy

PAT – Participation Award Tickets
Happy Heart – Those sitting with hand folded, back on the seat, looking forward, smiling
BOB – Best Of the Best
SDS – Super Duper Saint
Quiet Seat Award
Smiley Face Award
Double Whammy to the Left or right – means the person sitting on the particular side of the person who wins also wins an award