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The Stick Game

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: No | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No


1 small stick


Okay, I can play the stick game, the stick game, the stick game. I can play the stick game. Can you?

Holding a small stick in their hand, the group leader says the following stick game cheer. (The leader might want to waive the stick or do a dance or whatever, while he says his line.) Then he offers the stick to anyone in the group who thinks they have figured out how to play the game. (It's always good to have at least one other person in the room that knows how to play.) Anyone who tries to play holds the stick in their hand and begins to say the stick game chant. When they are finished, the leader says if they CAN or CANNOT play the game. The trick is simply this: No matter what they say as the stick game chant (It can vary from how the leader first says it), they must begin by saying "OKAY". If they don't start off by saying the word "OKAY", the leader rejects them. This is very funny and frustrating for some who can't figure out the trick to playing the game. The leader will need to repeat the stick game chant many times during the game. Play until everyone figures it out or for a specified time limit.