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What If

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: No | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No




Have everyone sit in a circle. Ask one of the questions below and have the kids answer.

If you could not fail, what would you like to do?
If you had to live your life over, what would your change?
If you were to go to live on the moon and could carry only one thing, what would it be?
If you could be doing anything you wanted at this time next year, what would it be?
You have been granted one hour with the leader of your country. What question will you ask?

What advice will you offer?
If you had an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
What would you do if you were to see ... a person being robbed? ... a person drowning? ... a house on fire?