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Color of Fate

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: No | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No


A Wheel of colors


To make one – Buy a craft wreath. Use colored duct tape – 4 colors like red, green, blue and yellow. Wrap each quarter of the wreath in a color.

Have the group start off in the circle. Hold up the color wheel and explain that each color represents a different activity. Some of us are going to have a chance to throw the wheel up in the air and catch it. Whatever color we catch the wheel on, we have to do that activity.

Red – Find a partner (a new partner every time). Tell your name and 5 interesting facts about you. Each partner has to go. Return to the group as quickly as possible.

Blue – Find a partner (a new partner every time). Have a thumb wrestle. Return to the group as quickly as possible and announce the winners of the thumb wrestling. Depending on time you could have the winners play against each other.

Green – Have a talking contest. Find a partner (a new partner every time). On “go” one of the partners has to start talking. This is a contest to see what partner talks the longest. You are out if you pause, hesitate, laugh, or repeat something. No physical contact is allowed between partners. When one partner is out the other partner takes their turn. Return to the group quickly as soon as you are done and announce the winner.

Yellow – Find a partner. Do a rock –paper – scissors contest. Repeat this until a person wins three times. The first person to win three times is the winner. As soon as you are done quickly return to the group and announce the winner.
Rock beats scissors
Scissors beats paper
Paper beats rock