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Jelly Belly Flavor Jelly Belly Flavor Guess

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Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: Yes | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No


Score Board to keep track of points
1 volunteer from each team for each round
Different flavors of Jelly Belly’s (the easiest way to organize them is to
put flavors in cups. Number the cups, and have a master list of what flavor each number is


Have the 4 volunteers stand at the front of the snack shop. Give them 1-2 Jelly Belly’s of a certain flavor. The person in charge of the game should know the flavor. The players have to guess the flavor. The first person to guess the flavor correctly is the winner. They get a point for their team. Play as many rounds as you can. At the end of the lunch period, the team with the most points is the winning team. This game is a wacky Olympic game, so make sure the teams score cards are marked appropriately.

Go to Jellybelly.com and find Botts beans. You can purchase a Box of 'beans' in an assortment of 10 with about 12 to 15 beans in each category. You may be able to find them locally, sometimes known as Harry Potter Jelly Bellies. Divide up into even teams, about 4 teams total, but can vary. Number each member of the team, and they rotate in order. #1 of each team sits in a row in the front. They must close their eyes and tilt their head back with their mouths open. A bean (same type each round) is placed in their mouths and they have 60 sec to write down the flavor, in secret. When all have written their guess: Give two points for a correct answer, one point if they need a clue (made up beforehand), and one point if they swallow. Then it's #2's turn, etc.
The beans come in an assortment of flavors: sardine, earthworm, spaghetti, dirt, grass, earwax, booger, vomit, etc. (Who taste-tested till they got the flavor right, I don't know. Also, how do you decide what earthworm tastes like?)
The faces are great. You can throw in a few ringers like real Jelly Belly flavors like hot buttered popcorn. We also had Gummi-Worms in a slimy mixture for extra points.
When we were done a lot came forward to try out some of the flavors, so it's not as gross as you think. Feel free to add variation, but the beans work best as your foundation. The flavor is best determined in the first 2 chews by smelling their breath.