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The Friend Show

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: No | Messy: No | Kidz Club: No | Urban Impact Youth: Yes


rep picks 4 girls (2 sets of friends)
4 boys (2 sets of friends)
3 questions about their life, friendship and their friend.


Play: the partners or friends are separated – 4 sit at the front of the room facing the audience, 4 leave the room with a youth leader.

The four remaining in the room are asked questions about their life, their friendship and their friend. Each person’s answers are recorded either on paper or cassette.

The other four partners switch with their friends and are asked questions. At the end, the partners are brought together and their answers are revealed. The partners earn 50 points for every correct answer. The partners with the most points in total wins.