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M&M Relay

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: relay | Location: indoor | Food: Yes | Messy: No | Kidz Club: Yes | Urban Impact Youth: No


2 packs of M&M
1 girl for each color of M&M
1 boy for each color of M& M
2 plates


Assign 1 player from each team to a color of M&M’s. Have each team line up at the back of the room. At the front dump one pack of M&M on each plate. On “go” the first person from each team runs to their plate and eats their color of M&M. Have a volunteer making sure they are eating only their color of M&M. Once they have swallowed the M&M’s they run back to their team and the next person goes. The first team done eating all their M&M’s is the winning team.

*You can play the same game with skittles or any other colorful candy. It takes longer to chew and eat skittles, so you may only want to put 5-6 of each color on the plate