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Pudding Express

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: Yes | Messy: Yes | Kidz Club: No | Urban Impact Youth: Yes


2 teams of 4 players
10 bowls
8 straws
Pudding: enough to fill one of the bowls
8 ft. table
Stop watch or timer (3 minutes)


Players transport the pudding down the assembly line (from bowl to bowl) sucking up the pudding in straws and “unloading” it in the next bowl. The team with the most pudding at the end of the assembly line wins.

5 bowls are lined up on either side of the table, length wise. The first bowl contains the pudding. The players line up in front of the bowls starting with the first, pudding-filled bowl. Each player has his or her own straw. The first player starts by sucking up a substantial amount of pudding, not eating it. They then empty their straw into the next bowl. The next player sucks up a substantial amount of pudding from their bowl and empties their straw into the next player’s bowl and so on. The last player empties their straw into the final bowl. Players keep sucking and emptying until the time is up (about 3 minutes or so). The team with the most pudding in their last bowl wins.

Players can only suck up pudding with their straws, no other mode of transportation is allowed.