Untitled Document


Broken Heart

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Important Things



2 red construction paper hearts
Change bag


Cut 2 identical hearts out of construction paper
Put one heart in one side of the change bag and the other in the other side


1. God loves me
(Pull one of the hearts out of the change bag and hold it up the heart so everyone can see.)
-God loves me.
-When we see a heart we think about love.
-God loves us very much.
-He created us special.

2. I have sinned
-The Bible teaches us that everyone has sinned.
-What is sin? Sin is what we do that displeases God
-Have the children name some sins
-When we sin we destroy our lives just like I am destroying my heart.
-When we sin we get a broken heart.
-Our heart is empty and broken.
(Rip the heart up carefully in pieces. Put the pieces in the change bag. )

3. Jesus died for me.
-The Bible teaches us that sin deserves a punishment.
-But instead of us being punished for our sin, Jesus was punished for us.
-When Jesus died on the cross for us the Bible says that became sin.
-Jesus became sin, so that we could be forgiven.
-Jesus was punished for our disobedience.
-Jesus was punished for our lies
-Jesus was punished for our bad words and thoughts
-So we don't have to be punished for them

4. I must decide to live for Jesus.
-When we decide to live for Jesus, He give us a brand new heart
(Pull out the new heart, and turn the bag inside out.)
-Jesus takes all the broken pieces of our lives and gives us a whole, brand new heart.
-Jesus washes away all our sins and makes us pure.
-Jesus gives us the gift of Eternal life.

Conclusion: We must decide to live for Jesus.