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Easter-Jesus is always with us

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: holidays



Large Rock
Yard Stick to measure with
Birthday candles



Lesson: Jesus Is Always With Us.

-One of the last and very most important things that Jesus said was this; “I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”
-It is comforting to know that when we decide to live for Jesus that He is always with us.
-Name some times that you should remember that Jesus is with you
-When you are afraid of the dark
-When you feel all alone
-When you are doing something really hard
-When you are at school taking a test
-When I think of this promise that Jesus made I think of a rock. Who has ever heard the saying, “Jesus is the rock.”
-How old do you think this rock is?
-How long do you think this rock will last?
-This rock is older than all of this building, this city and probably us. This rock will be around longer than building, this Buffalo and us.

-When Jesus was alive some people hated Jesus. They thought when they kill Jesus that they had gotten rid of Jesus for good.
-God had another plan.
-These candles sort of remind me of the other plan Jesus had.
-What do we do with birthday candles? (Blow them out)
-Blow out the candle. I thought the fire was all gone forever, but what happened – it came back.
-God brought Jesus back to life.
-This proved that nothing could separate us from Jesus – not death – not other people – not the devil.
-Jesus always keeps all of His promises including one of the last one He made.

Lesson: Jesus Has The Power To Defeat Death And The Devil

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14

-How did God display His power at Easter? Jesus rose from the dead.
-The Bible says that God’s power is immeasurable- what does that mean?

-Let’s measure some things:

-Have someone measure the length of someone’s arm
-Have someone measure the length of someone’s leg
-Have someone measure the length of the building
-Have someone measure from earth to the stars

-You could measure the first two things but the other two things were too big to measure.
-God’s power is so strong that it is impossible to measure it.
-When we read the Bible there are lots of examples of God’s power
-When the sea was parted
-The plagues God sent to Egypt
-The people Jesus healed

-The greatest display of God’s power was when Jesus died and rose from the dead
-Jesus demonstrated the power to forgive us
-Jesus showed His power over death
-Jesus showed His power over the devil who tried to destroy Him

We can have fun on Easter – get lots of candy, eat a nice meal. We should always remember the real reason we celebrate Easter.