Untitled Document


Created To Worship God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Praise And Worship





1. Introduction:
-Today I want to talk to you more about worshipping God
-Our new Bible verse tells us "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord"
-Who is this verse talking about?
-What are we to do?
-How do you think we praise the Lord?

2. When we praise the Lord we are telling God how much we love Him
-I have 5 kids
-It is important that I show my kids I love them.
-What are some ways I can show my kids love?
-Hug them
-Write them a note
-Buy them little treats
-Do things with them and for them
-One of the ways we show God we love Him is by praising Him - dancing, shouting, singing and getting excited about Him.

3. The Meaning of praise.
-Praise has to do with celebrating God.
-It means: to thank God for all He has done for us.
-It also means to throw a party.
-Just like we celebrate people's birthdays, we need to celebrate God.

4.God created us to Praise Him
-I have 3 living things that God made at the front - a plant, an animal, and a person.
-Lets see which living thing can worship God the best.
-Let's look at this dog.
-A dog has a body. Can he jump around and clap his hands?
-Can a dog talk and tell God how much He loves Him?
-Can a dog sing?
-Can a dog understand why it is important to worship God?
-Can a dog have feelings - show emotions
-Let's look at this plant.
-The plant has a body. Can it jump around and clap and sing?
-Can a plant talk and tell God it loves Him?
-Can a plant understand why it is important to worship God?
-Can a plant have feelings - show emotions?
-Let's look at this human
-Humans have bodies. Can you jump around, clap and sing?
-Can you talk and tell God how much you love Him?
-Can you understand that it is important to worship God?
-Can you have feelings towards God - love and excitement?

5. Conclusion:
-Humans are the only living being that can really worship God.
-God made us to worship Him.
-The Bible says that when we worship God it involves our soul (Thoughts and feelings), our body (Clapping, lifting hands), and our spirit.