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Don’t Serve God Leftovers

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Praise And Worship

Verse: I will praise the Lord with my whole heart…in the congregation. Psalm 111:1


a plate with half eaten servings of food on it – hot dog, Twinkies, apple etc. . . .
paper heart



1. Give out rewards

Boys and girls today I brought some wonderful treats I would like to share with some of you that have been really good throughout the class. Now I want to make sure I pick the best. (You could have some helpers help pick out 4 kids)

Get the best-behaved kids standing across the front, and then pull out your plate of half eaten food.

“Let me show you the first treat I want to give you.” Pull out one of the half eaten treats, talk about it, and talk about how good it is, take another bite.

Then decide whom to give it to. Obviously, the kid doesn’t want the half eaten snack.

Reaction: “Well, if you don’t want that one, let me see what else I have to give the others who have been good.” You could even send them back to their seat.

Repeat with all the treats. Nobody really wants any of the treats.

What is wrong with my treats?

2. What if?

-Who has ever had important company over for dinner?
-What did your mom cook for dinner?
-Would you serve your company half eaten leftovers?
-Why not? They are important. You want them to feel special.

3. Don’t Serve God Leftovers

-Don’t serve God leftovers either
-A lot of Christians give God their leftovers
-Leftover time for prayer
-Leftover time for the Bible and going to church
-Leftover energy to serve God
-Leftover excitement when we worship God
-God doesn’t want our leftovers
-The Bible teaches us to praise God with our whole heart – Hold up whole heart
(Have kids repeat verse in different ways)

Conclusion: End by worshipping God with whole heart