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Giving God Everything

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Praise And Worship





1.Choose a volunteer
-Choose a volunteer to come to the front
-Give them a candy bar
-Make them promise not to eat it in class
-Send them back to their seat

2. Introduce Bible Verse

“Love The Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind . . . love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39

-One day Jesus was talking with some religious leaders and they wanted to know what the most important commandments (rules) was
-Who thinks that if we are going to live for Jesus we need to know this too?

(Have the volunteer come back up to the front. You decide cut the candy bar in half and keep the biggest half for yourself)

3. Discussion:
-I want some of the candy bar. It’s my favorite. I love chocolate
-Make a big deal of it until someone protests or says, “That’s not fair.”
-Tell the volunteer has more now than they did at the beginning of the class, so we shouldn’t make such a big deal out of this.
-Get the audience involved. Take a vote to see who thinks she deserves the entire thing.
-“You think you deserve the entire candy bar. You have more now than you did at the beginning of class. You should be happy with what you have.

4. Main Point
-This object lesson reminds me of something
-It reminds me of our attitude towards God.
-Just like our volunteer deserves all the candy bar. God deserves and wants all of us – our entire life.
-Many times we don’t give everything in our life to God – we hold on to a part of our life – our friends, or a bad habit
-We give only a part of our life to God. When we feel good we give God the bigger part.
-God wants all of it. He deserves all of our life.
-God doesn’t want 90%. He wants it all.
-God wants us to surrender to Him everyday – everything.

5. Conclusion:
-Jesus wants all of our life.
-Jesus wants us to love him in every area of our life.
-Jesus wants us to love him with all our mind, soul (feelings) and our heart
-Today, maybe you are thinking of an area in your life that you aren’t showing Jesus that you love Him.
-Thoughts towards others
-Words and feelings you speak
-Things you do
-Today let’s decide to give that area of our life to Jesus.
-Let’s ask God to forgive us for not obeying Him in that area of our life, and let’s decide from now on to love God with all our mind, soul, and heart.