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Lift Your Hands To God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Praise And Worship

Verse: I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. Psalm 63:4




Introduction: Today we are going to talk about an new meaning for the word praise or another way we can praise the Lord.

Object lesson:
-Choose a volunteer to come to the front
-Explain that I am going to do something and I want you to react
-Point a toy gun to their back and say “stick um up”
-They should put their hands in the sky – straight up
-Who can tell me what this means?
-It means to surrender
-It means everything that I have is now yours.
-Another way we can praise the Lord is to lift our hands up
-When we lift our hands to praise the Lord we are saying “I surrender to you. Everything that I have is yours. My life now belongs to you.”
-This is a very simple and important way to worship the Lord.
-You don’t have to wait until you are at church on Sunday to do this. You can lift your hands up to God anytime and anywhere
-When you wake up in the morning you can lift up your hands and say “Jesus today I give you everything. I love you.”
-When we decide to live for Jesus we give Jesus our life. It is important that every day we remember our commitment to Jesus.
-Who can give me some examples of things people might need to surrender to God
-The future
-Something you are worried about
-A test in school
-Situations that are bothering you

Practice: (Have everyone lift their hands) Jesus today we surrender to you – We give you our families etc…