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Great Is The Lord

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Praise And Worship

Verse: Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise: His greatness no one can fathom Psalm 145:3


a bunch of jacks or tops




Over the last few weeks we have been talking about how important it is to worship God.

We were created to praise the Lord. It is one of the most important things we do.

Name some ways we can praise the Lord.

Today we are going to talk about another verse in the Bible that has to do with praising the Lord.

The Bible says . . . Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:3

What you will do:
Ask for a volunteer. Hand the volunteer the jacks (or tops) and tell them that their job is to keep all the jacks spinning until you tell them to stop. As jacks quit spinning, the volunteer should pick the jacks up and get them spinning again. If they get all ten jacks spinning at once, give the volunteer more jacks to spin until it is impossible for them to keep up.
What you will say:
This was a fun demonstration on how hard it is for us to keep up with numerous tasks at once. Keeping ten or more jacks spinning was no easy task. Just think if you had to keep the jacks spinning for several hours, or worse several days! Now image that you had to keep the jacks spinning, clean your room, feed the dog and do your homework, all at the same time!
It is amazing to think about all the things God keeps going at the same time, let's list them on the board.
(Here are just a few examples)
God hears everyone's prayers.
God keeps each planet in place, not to mention all the stars
God knows the number of hairs on each person's head
God knows when even a sparrow falls to the ground
God knows the number of grains of sand on every beach
God knows every thought of every man, woman and child
God knows each child before it is born
God supplies each person with his or her daily needs.
God's supplies the needs of all the creatures in the world
The list of things God keeps going is endless, even if we tried, we could never understand all the things God does. God is awesome; His capabilities are vast and never ending. His abilities are mind-boggling. We should worship Him, learn from Him and praise Him for His goodness to us.
We are going to divide in groups. We are each going to name 2-3 things that we want to praise or thank God for doing for us. Then pray in your group.