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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Praise And Worship





1. Introduction: (Put a pair of underwear on your head)

-Who remembers what we talked about for the last 2 weeks?

Underwear on head
-Aren’t you supposed to wear underwear?
-Why aren’t you guys wearing any?
-Underwear was not created to wear on your head.
-Underwear was created to wear under your clothes.
-Underwear was created for a purpose.
-We were all created for a purpose too
-What is one of the purposes we were created?
-To praise the Lord

-Who remembers the Bible verse? (Let everything that has breath praise the Lord)
-When God created people, He created them to praise Him.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

Say the verse different ways
-Loud, soft, fast, slow

2. Praise also means thanks
-The Old Testament wasn’t originally written in English. It was written in Hebrew. So sometimes the English words in the Bible can have more than one meaning to them, or there meaning can be a little different than we expect.
-The word “praise” has a lot more meanings than you think. There are about seven different words or meanings for the word Praise.
-Today we are going to learn one of them.
-One of the meanings for the word praise is THANKS

Let everything that has breath THANK the Lord.

-One of the ways we can praise the Lord is to thank Him

3. How do we thank God?

-Any way we want
-Singing to Jesus is one way to thank Him
-Praying, shouting

Practice Thank God – loud, quiet, get excited, calm

4. When should we thank God?
-All the time (church, morning, noon night, kidz club, at school)
-We are not to only thank God when things are going good, We are to thank God all the time
-In every situation we should have an attitude of thankfulness towards God.
-That doesn’t mean we thank God for bad things that happen because those bad things are not from God.
-No matter what situation we face we need to be thanking God.

5. Paul and Silas
-Who were Paul and Silas?
-They were Christians in the New Testament.
-After Jesus died, it was hard to be a Christian.
-Paul and Silas got arrested for preaching about Jesus
-They were lock up in jail.
-Not jail like today – a creepy, smelly, dark place. There were probably lots of rats.
-What do you think they did?
-What would you do?
-Paul and Silas started to thank God.
-They didn’t say “Thank you God we are in this smelly, creepy place.”
-They said, “Thank you God for your protection. Thank you God that you love us so much. Thank you God that you take care of us.”
-They were singing and shouting to God
-Guess what happened?
-There was a huge earthquake, and in the end Paul and Silas went free.

Conclusion: We need Thank God – all the time in every situation.