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If You’ve Got God . . . You’ve Got Integrity

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Got God

Verse: An upright man gives thought to his ways. Proverbs 21:29


bag #1-moon
black paper
bag #2-light bulb
flash light
picture of sun
yellow paper
water with blue food coloring
2 clear cups
1 larger container
spoon to stir with
2 balloons
2 twist ties
1 spool



1. Introduction:
a. What does integrity mean?
b. Integrity means to do what is right, to be honest.
c. If you’ve got God in your life then you should always choose what is right and you should always be honest.
d. Our memory verse says “An upright man gives thought to his ways.”
e. An upright man is talking about someone with integrity.

2. God wants us to do what is right.
a. Have a volunteer come up and help pull things out of bag #.
b. What do these things remind you of? (Nighttime or darkness)
c. The Bible compares sin to darkness. The Bible says that we should stay away from the deeds of darkness.
d. What are some sins we should stay away from if we have God in our life?
e. Have another volunteer come up and help pull things out of bag #2.
f. What do these things remind us of? (The light)
g. The Bible compares light to Jesus and God’s Word.
h. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”
i. The Bible tells us that God’s word is like a light that guides us.
j. If we are going have integrity in our life we need to choose to live by God’s Word.

3. You cannot mix “darkness” with “light”.
a. If you are going to live for Jesus you cannot decide to do what is right sometimes and what is wrong other times. You have to decide to do what is right all the time.
b. Hold up the blue liquid (water and blue food coloring). This liquid represents sin.
c. Hold up the yellow liquid (oil). This liquid represents living for Jesus and obeying God’s Word.
d. Pour both liquids into a jar. Have a volunteer come and try to mix the 2 liquids. It won’t mix. Every time they stop stirring the liquid will separate.
e. You have a choice to make. You can choose to live in “darkness” which is choosing sin. Or you can choose to live in “light” which is choosing to follow Jesus and His Word.

4. Game: “The Choice That’s Right”
Instructions: The girls are going to play against the boys. I am going to pick a volunteer from one side to answer a question. Then I am going to read a situation to you about a choice someone made. If the person made a right choice you are going to give a “Thumbs up”, and if they made a bad choice you are going to give a “Thumbs down”. You will have 10 seconds to choose. You may ask your team for help. We will keep score. Once one team answers a question it is the next teams turn to answer the next question (repeat the above process). Whichever team wins, gets a piece of candy. There is enough candy for everyone to get a piece.

1. Sally’s brother punched her for no reason, so Sally punched her brother back. Sally thought she did the right thing did she.

2. When Dae’quan saw his best friend Anthony after school he said, “Hey loser, what’s up?” Dae’quan was really glad to see his best friend.
Was it good for Dae’quan to talk to his best friend?

3. Danielle cheated on her math test at school. She didn’t get caught, but she told her best friend Latoya what she had done. Latoya went to the teacher in secret and told how Danielle cheated. Did Latoya do the right thing?

4. Tanisha forgot to do her Science homework. She told the teacher she didn’t understand it so she wouldn’t get a zero on it. She thought she would have the teacher explain it to her at lunch and then finish it. Her teacher would never know that she forgot to do it, and she would still get a good mark. Tanisha was smart wasn’t she?

5. Jamie was taking out the garbage, which was one of his chores. He noticed Mr. Jones next door hadn’t taken his out yet, so Jamie put out Mr. Jones garbage too. Was this a good choice for Jamie to make, after all Mr. Jones never asked Jamie to take out his garbage?

6. Kaley’s sister Denise was supposed to clean the kitchen. Denise hadn’t done it yet because she was studying for a History test. Kaley did if for her so it would be done when their mom got home from work. Was it right for Kaley to do Denise’s chores?

7.The man next door told Perry that he would give Perry $5.00 for delivering a package to a friend. The man told Perry not to tell anyone about the package, and to hide the package under his shirt Perry was excited about earning $5.00 so he did exactly as the man told him.

8.Somebody won a big bag of Reese’s Pieces at Kidz Club. Jamar found them laying on the tarp. He really likes Reese’s Pieces so he decided to keep them.

9.On the way to school Dominique saw a little boy who was hurt and crying. Dominique helped the boy get to the school nurse and made sure he was okay. The only problem was that Dominique was late for school. Did Dominique make the right choice?

10. Jonathan’s friends wanted him to play football after school. His mom told him to go home and finish his homework. His mom was working so she would never know what Jonathan did. Jonathan didn’t want to disappoint his friends so he played football instead of doing his homework.

5. Conclusion: The Wide Road Verse the Narrow Road
a. The Bible explains the way we live like a road. There are 2 roads and we have to decide which road we are going to live on.
b. Hold up balloon illustration (1 balloon blown up fairly big tied off with a twist tie, attached to a spool. 1 balloon blown up small tied off with a twist tie, attached to the same spool)
c. This big balloon is like the wide road. There is lots of room for anything.
1.Lots of people live on the wide road.
2.The wide road is easier to live on because you can do whatever you want.
3.The wide road eventually leads to destruction but most people don’t think about it because they don’t think about their future.
d. This small balloon is like the narrow road. (Untie the twist tie on the small balloon)
1.Not so many people live on the narrow road.
2.The Narrow road is harder to live on because you have to live with integrity, self-control, love, and forgiveness on the narrow road.
3.The Narrow road leads to everlasting life-unfortunately not a lot of people think about their future.
e. Now if what will happen if I untie the twist tie on the large balloon?
f. Air from the small balloon moves into the large balloon.
g. The air pressure in the small balloon is greater than the large balloon; therefore the air pressure pushes air into the large balloon.
h. When we decide to live for Jesus we chose the narrow path.
i. Pressures can come to get us to switch paths. The devil can tempt us to do bad things, our friends can give us a hard time, our family can make it difficult to stay on the narrow path.
j. You need to decide how you want to live:
1.On the wide path-in darkness –following sin-leading to destruction
2.On the narrow path – in the light –following Jesus – living forever-with a purpose and meaning
k. If you choose the narrow path you need to think about your ways and make right choices everyday. God will give us the strength to live on the narrow path if we let him.