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Got Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Got God

Verse: For God so loved the world that He gave is one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal life. John 3:16


cookies for everybody
rescue equipment (life jacket, rope, kick board, etc.)
crown of thrones
marshmallow houses (one built with toothpicks, one that needs to be built before lesson.



Introduction: Today we are going to learn about The 4 Most Important things. If you forget your name, my name, where you live, who your parents are NEVER FORGET THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS.

Over The next few weeks we are going to have contests to see who can remember “The Four Most Important Things”.

1. Cookie Illustration (God loves me)
a. Before we begin I have some cookies to hand out. However, you have to meet special qualifications to get these cookies. So, everybody stand up.
b. Sit down if you are 10 years old and over.
c. Sit down if you are wearing blue
d. Sit down if you are a girl
e. Sit down if you are 7 years and under.
f. You guys are the only ones allowed to have a cookie.
g. Hand them each a cookie.
h. Now ask everyone, “Is this fair?”
h. No –it is not fair.
i. God does not love like this.
a. The first Most Important Thing is: God loves me.
b. God loves all of us equally.
c. The Bible Says “God so loved the world.” (World = everybody)
d. Hand out a cookie to everyone.

1.I have sinned.
a. I need a volunteer to come up.
b. You are going to rub you hand on this newspaper, palms down (demonstrate)
c. Now look at your hands. What do you see?
d. The dirt on your hands reminds me of sin.
e. The Bible says that we have all sinned. The second most important thing is: I have sinned
d. What is sin?
f. Sin is like dirt or this ink.
g. Our sin makes our heart dirty before God. It keeps us from a relationship with God.

2. Jesus died for me.
a. What is the solution to sin? How do we get our heart clean?
b. Just like we would take this towel and wash our sins, Jesus’ blood washed away our sins. Now our heart is clean before God. The third most important thing is: Jesus died for me.

a. What are all these pieces of equipment? (Rescue equipment)
i. What does rescue equipment have to do with Jesus?
ii. Without Jesus we are headed for destruction and death, just like someone who is drowning or in a fire.
iii. Jesus rescued us from death and destruction.
iv. His rescue tools are: crown of thrones, whip, and nail
1.Jesus was whipped (with a cat-o-nine tails)
a. A long pole with leather strips
b. Each strip had pieces of glass and metal
c. Jesus was whipped 39 times
d. It tore out hunks of skin.
1.Crown of thorns
a. Next people called Jesus names
b. They made fun of him
c. The made a crown out of thrones
d. The dug it into his head
e. Jesus did not get mad. He said “Father forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.”
1. Hung Him on the cross
a. They drove big spikes in his wrists, and feet.
b. They hung him on the cross to die.
2.Jesus preformed the greatest rescue ever.
a. We should have died on the cross.
b. Jesus took our place.
c. Jesus conquered death

4. I must decided to live for Jesus
a. Now you have a decision to make: Are you going to live for Jesus or not?
b. I have 2 marshmallow houses.
1.The first house represents a life built with Jesus
2.Point out how strong and elaborate it is.
3. (Blow on it and jiggle it.) It is strong.
4.This could be your life with Jesus
2.Something special
3.Not easily shaken when things don’t go your way

5.This house represents a life built without Jesus
6.Point out how weak it is (give it a shake)
7.This would be your life without Jesus
c. The forth most important thing is: I must decide to live for Jesus.

1. Review the 4 Most Important Things
2.Give the kid’s the opportunity to respond to number four.