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Gifts- Knowledge, Wisdom, Discerning

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holy Spirit

Verse: Now there are various kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. 1 Corinthians 12: 4


1 pair of protective goggles
1 pair of reading glasses
1 pair of sunglasses



I. God has given the Church 3 supernatural Gifts of Revelation
A. These gifts reveal bits and pieces of God’s unlimited knowledge and wisdom to His people.
B. God manifested these gifts to His prophets in the Old Testament.
C. Each gift is totally different from the others, though all three reveal something.
(Put on, in quick succession, all tree pairs of glasses)
1. Each of these is a pair of glasses, though each has a totally different function from the others.
(Would you try to read in a dark room with sunglasses? Would you wear goggles on the beach? etc. . .)
2. Each gift of Revelation is unique and cannot take the place of another.

II. The three Gifts of Revelation provide the Christian with supernatural information from God.
A. The Word of knowledge reveals something about the past or present.
(Briefly put on the goggles)
1. 2 Kings 5:20-27
2. Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, took payment from Naaman the leper for his healing from God.
3. Elisha knew exactly what Gehazi had done, though he was not there when it happened.
4. Elisha knew what Gehazi had done, because he had the Word of Knowledge at work in his ministry.
B. The Word of Wisdom reveals the plans and purposes of God for the future.
(Briefly put on the eyeglasses)
1. 1 Samuel 16:1-12
2. God told Samuel the prophet that King Saul was finished as king and one of Jesse’s sons would reign in his place.
3. Samuel went to Jesse’s house, but because he did not know which one of Jesse’s sons was supposed to be king, he had to look them all over.
a. Samuel wanted to anoint the oldest son of Jesse because he was tall, handsome and strong.
b. By the Word of Wisdom, God told Samuel that none of the men, which he had seen, were to be chosen king of Israel.

4. When David was brought into the house, God told Samuel that the shepherd by would someday be the king of Israel.
a. Samuel knew this because God gave him a Word of Wisdom.
b. A Word of Wisdom is only a piece of Gods unlimited knowledge of the future.

C. The discerning of Spirits allows Christians to see into the spirit world.
(Put on the sunglasses)
1. To ?discern? means to see.
2. Paul saw an angel who told him his life would be spared from the shipwreck.
3. Paul saw into the spirit world by the power of the Holy Spirit.

III. The devil has counterfeits for these wonderful Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
A. Fortune tellers can sometimes tell people things about themselves that they had no possible way of knowing.
1. There are demons spirits who watch people and follow them to the fortune teller.
2. The fortuneteller opens himself up to demon spirits who tells what he knows about the person.
B. Tarot cards, Ouija boards, crystal balls, and other methods of fortune telling are forbidden by Gods Word. (Leviticus 19:31)
1. These things are wrong because they do not involve the Holy Spirit.
2. People who try to learn the future by these means open up their lives to demon spirits.
C. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit set people free, but the counterfeit gifts of Satan put people in bondage.