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Jesus Gave Us A Helper - The Holy Spirit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holy Spirit

Verse: …You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Acts 1:8


Flashlight with batteries out on the table
Extension chord



Now if I could only get this flashlight to work . . . . .

This flashlight just won’t come on.

(This is to be somewhat comical, so have fun with it. The idea is that the flashlight won’t work even though the bulb is good. Try to get it to work by doing everything you can except putting the batteries into it - twist it, shake it, try to plug it in, use the tools to fix etc… By the end the kids should be yelling about the batteries)

-When batteries are put in a flashlight, it lights up.
- Jesus said that we are the light of the world, but on our own we not very bright.
-Our lights become more effective for Jesus when we receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
-His power gives us power to share the love of Jesus with others in a brighter way.
-His power gives us power to live right and make right choices.