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Receiving The Holy Spirit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holy Spirit

Verse: …You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Acts 1:8


Flashlight with batteries out on the table
Extension chord



-Before Jesus died he told the disciples – Jesus helpers that His father in Heaven would send them a helper.
-This helper was a gift to everyone who decided to live for Jesus
-This helper would fill them with power to live for Jesus.
-This helper would help Christians stay away from sin.
-This helper would help Christians live out God’s plans for their life.
-Who would like to have a helper like this?
-This helper is the Holy Spirit.
-The Bible teaches us that when we ask God, he will give us the Holy Spirit to be our helper
-The Holy Spirit fills us with God’s power and strength.

Object lesson:
This flashlight is a great tool. It is very useful. It has a very important job – just like a Christian.
(Try to turn it on)
-I can’t seem to get it on. It won’t work.
-It is missing power.
-When I put batteries in the flashlight it has power to do its job.
-When we invite the Holy Spirit’s power in our life, He helps us to live strong for Jesus.

Speaking In Tongues:
-Now there is one more important thing about the Holy Spirit.
-The Bible teaches us that when the Holy Spirit fills us with His power that He also gives us a special language to communicate to God in. This might sound kind of funny but it is what the Bible teaches us.
-When we talk to God using this special language – no one not even ourselves understand what we are saying, but God does. He hears our prayers, understands them and answers them.
-Example: If the person interpreting what I said stops. I continue to talk in English (demonstrate). Did you understand everything I said? No. God heard and understood everything I said.
Choose a volunteer. If __________ talks in their language. (Demonstrate) Do you think I understood what they said? God understood everything they said (and so did most of you).
-The Holy Spirit is waiting to be your helper – to help you live strong for Jesus, and will help you communicate to God.
-All you have to do is ask God for the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that when we ask God, God will give us what we ask for.
-If Victoria asks me for something to eat – am I going to give her shoes?
-If Emilie asks for something to drink – am I going to give her some clothes?
-No, I will give my children what they ask for.
-God, our Father, wants to give you the helper – the Holy Spirit.
-Who would like to ask God for the Holy Spirit as your helper today? (Have them stand up)

-Once we ask God for the Holy Spirit then we have done our part.
-Our part is to Ask (Have everyone repeat Ask)
-When we are done our part God will do his part –Fill
-What is God’s part? – Fill What is your part? – Ask
-Now you have one more part. – Speak
-God fills you right up to here (Hold your hand at your chin)
-You need to open your mouth and speak in the new language God has given you.
-There is one more thing that is important for you to know before we pray.
-You cannot speak in 2 languages at the same time.
-For Example Pastor Sagar is very smart. He speaks Tamil and English. Pastor can you speak both languages at the same time? You either speak one or the other.
-Boys and girls when speak you cannot speak in Tamil or you will not speak in your heavenly language.
-When you open your mouth to speak to God- it must be in your new heavenly language.

We are going to pray
-We will ask God for the Holy Spirit
-God is going to fill us with the Holy Spirit.
-Then I am going to count to 3 and you are going to speak in your new language.
-Do not pray in your own language. Do not pray in English.
-Now when a baby learns to talk they only say a few words. It will be the same with you - only one or two word will come. The more you use your special language to talk to God – the more words you will say.
-Pastors and workers after I count to three – you can go around, pray for children and encourage them.
