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The Helper

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holy Spirit

Verse: I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-the Spirit of Truth. John 14:16,17a


Red construction paper
Yellow construction paper
Green construction paper


Go over what each color means. When we decide to live for Jesus the Holy Spirit moves into us. We continue to live our life normal. Let’s see what happens:



1.Who is our helper?
2.Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to help us live the way He wants us to.
3.When we decide to live for Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in us.
4.The Holy Spirit speaks to us about how to live

1.You go to the store with your friend after school. Your friend says, “Hey since we don’t have any money lets steal a candy bar. No one will every now. It only cost fifty cents.”

(Put the red paper over your stomach.) You have a bad feeling about this when you think about it. The Holy Spirit, which lives inside of you, is showing you that this does not make Jesus happy. The Holy Spirit is helping you to live the way Jesus wants you to.

2.After school your sister might come to you and say, “Please help me clean up the house before mom gets home.”

(Put the green paper over your stomach) You have a good feeling about this when you think about it. The Holy Spirit, which lives in you, is showing you that it is good to help others. The Bible says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another” and “Do to others was you would have them do to you.”

3.After school you friend who is not a Christian invites you over to play and hang out. Your mom said you could go.

(Put the yellow paper over your stomach) It is okay to go. The Holy Spirit is just telling you to be careful. You see your friend does not love Jesus the way you do. They may want you to do something that Jesus would not want you to do. So while you are hanging out remember to walk, talk and live like Jesus.

Conclusion: Pray and thank God for the Holy Spirit who helps us live for Jesus.