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The Working Of Miracles

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holy Spirit

Verse: While the earth remains seedtime and harvest… shall not cease. Genesis 8:22


toy doctors kit
play money
garden tools
fake bird
piece of bread
dinner rolls
plastic fish



1. Sometimes Gods people get into impossible situations.
A. Most of the time we do not need a miracle to meet our needs.
1. It is better to live in divine health that it is to get sick and need a miracle.
(Hold up the doctor’s bag)
2. It is better to have plenty than it is for us to always need a financial miracle.
(Hold up play money)

B. God wants His children to live by the laws of seedtime and harvest.
(Hold up seeds and garden tools)
1. Gods plan is for us to give (sow) our tithes and offerings to God.
A. Tithes are 10% of all our money. So if your mom gives you $1.00, $0.10 belongs to God.
B. Offering could be extra money we give to God, it could be something we giveaway to help others like clothes, food or toys, or it could be the time we volunteer to serve God like helping in Children’s church.
2. When we follow Gods law concerning giving (seedtime), then we will reap a harvest. That harvest should not only take care of our needs, but it will be more than enough for us.

C. Occasionally Gods people get into impossible situations.
1. It is not Gods will that we live from disaster to disaster.
2. It is not Gods will that we live in worry and strife.

II. Miracles are needed for impossible situations

A. God doesn’t do miracles for us on an everyday basis.

1. He kept the children of Israel alive in the wilderness with daily miracles, but He really didn’t want them to live in the wilderness. He had the Promise Land for them.
2. When the Israelites came into the good land God wanted them to enjoy, the miracle provision stopped.
B. Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes in a place where there was no food to be found.
(Hold up the dinner rolls and plastic fish)
C. When people find themselves in an impossible situation, the setting is right for a miracle.
1. God doesn’t provide miracles when natural laws can work to meet the need.
2. A miracle happens when God temporarily suspends the laws of nature.

III. God empowers believers with the Gift of working of miracles.
A. God has set this Gift in the church to meet special needs.
B. Most miracles happen when unreached people are hearing the story of Gods love for the first time.
1. God will use signs and wonders to help lost people believe in Gods love.
2. Signs and wonders are like the works Jesus did when He fed the 5, 000; when he turned the water into wine etc . .