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Disciples Build Their Lives On Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: Be rooted and built up in Christ and established in the faith, as you have been taught. Colossians 2:7





-Who liked/likes stories?
-Who liked/likes it when their parents read them a story before bed?
-What is/was your favorite story?
-When I was getting ready for today I thought of a famous children's story that could help us understand our new point about disciples.
-Disciples must build their lives on Jesus
-It is the story of the Three Little Pigs.
-Have the kids help you remember the story.
-One day the mother of the 3 pigs told them they have to move out on their own.
-They all had to build their own house
-The first one built his house out of straw
-The second one built his house out of sticks
-The third one built his house out of bricks
-Then along came the big bad wolf who wanted to eat the pigs
-He blew down the first 2 houses
-He could not blow down the third house.
-He even tried to get in but that did not work.

The houses the pigs built reminded me of how we build our lives.
-The first pig built his house out of straw (I didn't have any but I brought Styrofoam cups to represent the first house
-Have a volunteer come and build the first house.
-This first house represents how someone built his or her lives.
-Some people build their lives on popularity, partying, boys/girls, friends.
-When a problem comes like the big bad wolf - what happens to this person life? (Have a volunteer come up and blow the house down)
-Well let's build the second house.
-I have some popsicle sticks for the second house.
-Have a volunteer come and build the second house.
-The pig that built this house did a little better job.
-This pig is like someone who builds their house on their education, money, and their possession.
-Although it is a little better then the first person, when a problem comes along what is going to happen?
-This third pig must have been a Christian pig.
-He reminds me of the type of foundation we are to build our lives on.
-What did the third pig build his house out of? Bricks
-Make a pile of bricks at the front of the class.
-Now the problems didn't stay away just because he was a good builder.
-The big bad wolf came. He huffed and puffed but he could not destroy the house
-Then he tried to get in the house, but that didn't work either
-As long as we are live on the planet earth, we will face problems - some worse than others.
-What/Who should we build our lives on so the problems don't destroy us? JESUS
-Disciples build their lives on Jesus.

God wants to be a priority in your life.
-Before Kidz Club I was filling my priority jar.
-I write all my priorities down on a piece of paper, crumple them up and put them in this jar. Then if I ever forget what is most important I can just pull out the papers and read them.
-Who knows what a priority is? (Something that is important to you - playing an instrument, doing something with a friend, watching a TV show)
-What are some priorities in your life?
-I could not fit these priorities in my jar.
-Reading my Bible
-Going to church
-Telling someone about Jesus
-What should I do?
-I think we should empty your priority jar, read your priorities to make sure they are really important, and put the most important ones in first.
-Some of the priorities should be unimportant. Throw them out. (Get the audience involved in this.)
-When you put the priorities back in put the above ones in first.
-Everybody does what is most important to them.
-We need to decide that living for Jesus is more important than anything else, and then we need to act like it with our priorities.
-When we decide living for Jesus is the most important priority, then we will build our lives on Jesus

-How do we build our lives on Jesus?

-We need to build our life on Jesus - He is the only guarantee that our life will not be destroyed.