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Disciples Give Their Lives To Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. Mark 8:34





Play - "Simon Says"

-So far today we played 2 games where it was important to follow and pay attention to the leader if you wanted to win.
-Over the next few weeks of Kidz Club we are going to talk about following a leader
-Someone who follows a leader is a disciple. A disciple is someone who follows a leader.
-We are going to talk about being a Disciple for the next few weeks.
-Everyone is a disciple of someone because everyone follows someone
-The devil
-A famous person

-We are going to talk about being Disciples of Jesus.
-Jesus is our leader and we are his followers.
-We are going to talk about being a disciple of Jesus. He wants us to follow him.
-How can we be a disciple of Jesus?

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." Mark 8:34

Living Bible "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver’s seat: I am." Mark 8:34

Point #1


Bible Story: Zacchaeus gave his Life to Jesus

-Zacchaeus was a tax collector
-A tax collect or was a very rich person because in the Bible days when they collected taxes they were allowed to charge people extra and then keep the extra money for themselves.
-Tax collectors were usually very greedy people that nobody liked.
-Zacchaeus was also a very short person
-One day Jesus was coming to the town where Zacchaeus lived.
-There was a huge crowd of people gathered along the road waiting for Jesus.
-Zacchaeus was kind of interested in seeing Jesus, so he went out to the road.
-He stood in the crowd but he was so short he couldn't see over the crowd.
-Zacchaeus decided to climb a tree.
-He decided that if he climbed a tree no one would notice him, but he would have the perfect view of Jesus.
-He took his place in the tree and then her comes Jesus down the road.
-Everyone was so excited - waving and yelling to Jesus.
-All of a sudden Jesus stopped right under the tree Zacchaeus was sitting in.
-This was perfect Zacchaeus got the perfect view.
-Then Zacchaeus heard his name.
-He could hardly believe it - Jesus was calling him.
-Jesus wanted to come to his house for dinner.
-It was a very big honor for Zacchaeus to have Jesus in his house for dinner.
-The people standing around were mad Jesus was going to his house because nobody likes Zacchaeus.
-After Jesus spent time with Zacchaeus, he decided he believed that Jesus was God's son.
-Zacchaeus decided to become a follower of Jesus
-Zacchaeus promised to pay people that he cheated back, and to give money to the poor.
-He decided he would not be greedy or cheat people anymore.
-Jesus changed his life.