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Disciples Have Faith In God's Promises

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. Mark 8:34


God's Promises type on individual slips of paper



-What does disciple mean? "A follower"
-Jesus is our leader and we are his followers.
-How can we be a disciple of Jesus?
-Over the next few week we are going to talk about things a disciple has to have or do.
-Who remembers the first thing a disciple has to do?
#1 Disciples give their life to Jesus.
-Today we are going to talk about something else a Christian has to do in order to be a disciple.
#2 - A Disciple must have faith in God's Promises.

Who can name some of God's Promises?
-God's promises are like gifts to us.
-(Cut up His Promises from the "Promise Sheet" and put them in a gift bag. Have the kids take turns pulling a promise from the bag)
-What do you think it means to "have faith"?
-To rely and trust
-To believe that something will happen even before it happens

-One thing that is important for us to understand is that God never breaks a promise.
-Who has ever had someone make a promise to you and then for some reason they don't keep it?
-How did that make you feel?
-The promises we make are like this twig. Just like I can easily break this twig, the promise we make can easily be broken. The promises others make to us are easily broken too.
-The great thing is that God's promises are like this piece of wood. This piece of wood cannot be broken with the bare hand. God's promises cannot and will not ever be broken.
-Next week we are going to talk about some people in the Bible that trusted in God's promises.