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Disciples Lead Others To Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16: 15


Obstacle Coarse



Make a little obstacle coarse. Pick one girl and one boy. Have them pick a partner. Blindfold the partner. Have them stand at the back of the classroom. On “go” they have to get to the table at the front. The first team to the front wins.

People not blindfolded: What was it like to be the leader? What were your responsibilities?

Blindfolded person: How did you feel being led by your partner? In what ways did trust play a role in being led?

-Kids spend a lot of their lives following others.
-You follow the teacher in the hall. You follow your mom around the grocery store. You follow the rules in your home.
-Did you know that God wants you to be a leader in a certain area of your life?
-God wants you to lead your friends to Him.
-Leading people isn’t always easy.
-One of the best ways to lead people is to find ways to help them.
-In leading people to Jesus, we need to look for ways to help people see Jesus.
-We need to lead others to Jesus’ love and forgiveness.
-Who can tell me some ways you can lead others to Jesus this week?