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Disciples Must Seek Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these thing shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33


2 boys
2 girls
2 Pieces of paper



-Did you know that we spend a lot of time in our life looking or seeking things?
-What are some things you had to look for this past week?
-Something to eat
-A lost key
-Your socks
-Something to do
-The homework you forgot about over vacation
-A piece to your favorite game
-Some people spend their whole life looking for things like money, happiness, peace, free time, the meaning of life, and a career.
-People that spend their life looking for these things never really find what they are looking for because they do not do what God tells them to do.
-The Bible tells us to spend our life seeking Jesus - then all the other things (our career, our family, peace, free time, true happiness) will follow.
-I think the problem is that most people even Christians obey this command backwards
-What is the first thing God wants us to seek - God and His kingdom
-What do you think God's Kingdom is?
-What will happen when we seek after God first?

Choose 2 boys and 2 girls to come to the front. Give each team a piece of paper, and tell them they have to figure out how to step through the paper. Allow them to use whatever they want to help them. On the table should lay some scissors and tape. Make it a contest.

-It seems pretty impossible doesn't it?
-Let me help you.
-Demonstrate to the class how to do it.
-Have each team then follow the same procedure.

-In our life we will face lots of situations that seem impossible - they might be impossible to handle, they might seem like impossible things for us to accomplish.
-What do you think we should do when we are faced with something that seems impossible? Seek Jesus.
-Jesus will help us to do seemingly impossible things when we seek Him
-Now should we just seek him when we face something impossible? NO we should seek Jesus everyday of our life.

Object Lesson:
a. Who likes to play board games?
b. What are your favorites?
c. Board games can be lot of fun especially if you are the winner.
d. Most Board games have spaces and the players take turns moving around the board. Usually the winner is the person who finishes the game first.
e. How do you know how far to move each time?
f. Moving ahead in a board game usually doesn't depend on how smart you are or how tall you are, or the color of your eyes. It doesn't depend on how good you are in sports.
g. The number of spaces you move a head usually depend on a spinner and the color you land on or on the number you roll on dice.
h. Sometimes there is lots of laughing and joking around when the dice are rolled because it could mean going back to the beginning, jumping ahead and even rolling again.
i. The dice or spinner are the most important part of a game.
j. They determine if we win or lose the game.
k. I am glad the directions for our lives are not controlled by something that comes from a game like dice.
l. Who gives direction in the life of a disciple? (God)
m. In order to receive direction from God in our like it is important you are a disciple.
n. Where do we get direction from God?
i. From the Bible
ii. From coming to Kidz Club
iii. From other Christians
o. There is one more secret to getting direction for God - We must SEEK GOD'S KINGDOM FIRST in our life.
p. If other things and people become more important in our life then those things will give us direction instead of God.
q. There is one really cool thing about putting God first in our life - we are always a winner when we do