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Disciples Serve Others

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: But through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13


4-6 girls
4-6 boys
1 spoon for everyone
4 bowls
Bendable straws


Peanut Relay:
Have the kids stand in their line with a little space between them (about 1 giant step). Each person should have a spoon. In front of the line should be a bowl of peanuts and at the back of the line should be an empty bowl. The object is for the teams to use their spoons to transfer the peanuts from one bowl to the other by passing them from person to person down the line.


Who had fun playing this game? Do you think we could learn anything by playing this game?

It would be impossible for just one or two people to play this game. It took a whole team of people working together and helping each other. During the game you served each other the peanuts until the reached the bucket at the end. It wasn't always easy under the pressure of the game to get the peanut to the next person.

This game has to do with the next thing we are going to talk about DISCIPLES SERVE OTHERS.

It isn't always easy to serve others. It might be inconvenient. We might not feel like it, but if we are going to be a disciple we need to serve others.

Object Lesson:
-Who likes to drink out of a straw?
-I love straws. I love to use them. There is only one problem - have you ever tried to drink out of this kind of straw while laying down. It is really hard - almost impossible. (Have a volunteer try)
-The great thing is that someone invented this kind of straw. Hold up a bendy straw.
-With this flexible straw you can lay in bed or on the couch and drink. (Have someone volunteer)
-Today we are going to talk about bending. (Not straws).
-We have been talking about how disciples serve others. What do you think this has to do with bending?
-In order for us to serve (help and share with others) we have to put the needs of others first.
-Loving and serving other people means we need to be able to bend. We need to be flexible. We need to be willing to do things even when it inconveniences us or makes us feel a little uncomfortable
-What are some ways we can serve others?
-Share lunch with someone who doesn't have any
-Be nice to someone who isn't nice to us
-Be willing to give up your seat on the bus
-Help your little brother or sister.
-Do extra chores at home