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Choices We Make

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Peacemaker

Verse: Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9


Bowl of Ice



What have we been talking about?
What is a conflict? Where do conflicts start?
What are some bad ways people deal with conflicts?
What are some good ways people deal with conflicts?

Today we are going to talk about how we deal with conflicts is all about choices. Actually most of our life is about choices. When we are in a conflict we make the choice to deal with the conflict in a good way or in a bad way. Every day we make choices about our life. What kind of choices do you think Jesus wants us to make?

Let's look at some choices we make.

Ball -
I could choose to hold it.
I could choose to throw it to someone
I could choose to bounce it

All the choices we make have consequences. What would the consequences be for what I am going to do with this ball?

If I hold the ball I can't use my hands for anything else
If I throw the ball at someone - they will throw it back to me
If I bounce it I will have to catch it or let my ball roll away.

Now let's think about life. I have some choices in this container. I will choose someone to come up and read a choice. Then I will pick someone who can tell me the consequences for that choice.

I made a choice not to do my homework.

I made a choice to leave my brand new bicycle in the front yard all night long.

I made a choice to be disrespectful and pick a fight at Kidz Club.

I made a choice to do all my chores at home.

I made a choice to beat a kid a school for calling me names.

I made a choice to watch my little sister for my mom while she went shopping.

I made a choice to study for a test.

I made a choice to talk bad about one of my friends at school.

I made a choice to wash my clothes and put them away neatly.

We face hundreds of choices each week. They range from what we eat for breakfast; to what we are going to wear to school, to some of the choice we just talked about. We all need help so we will make the right choices.

Who can you get help from?

Science Experiment

I have this bowl of ice here. I wanted to do a trick. I wanted to pick up the ice with this string? Does anybody know how to do that? (Choose a couple volunteers to try)

I have the way to solve the problem right here in this bag. Do you want to see it?

Take out the salt. Pour some over the string and on the ice cubes. Count to 15 with the kids and then lift the string. Ice should be stuck to the string.

The ice was the solution to our problem. The salt provided the power needed to complete the science experiment successfully.

This salt reminds me of God. He knows all the solutions to our problems. He knows all the choices we should make. He is willing to help us with our conflicts, with our choices and with our problems. We have to let Him help us.


-I have some words taped up hear (on the white board). They are not in the correct order, so these words don't mean much. Does someone want to come up and see if they can put him or her in the correct order? When they are in the correct order they are very important.

-"To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are His." Job 12:13

-This verse means that God has all the wisdom, power, understanding, and that He guides us in perfect ways. (Counsel)


-God wants to give us wisdom understanding and He wants to guide us - we just have to ask Him.