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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Peacemaker

Verse: Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9


2 Tubes of toothpaste
2 straws
2 plates
4 volunteers



There is one thing that can get us in all kinds of trouble and prevent us from being a peacemaker. Can anyone guess what that is? COMMUNICATION

1. We communicate with Words
-I say communication because it is about more that what we say.

-The Bible says "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity." Proverbs 21:23 (Say the verse in different ways)

-We can take a simple word like "Hi" and we can communicate it is several different ways which all send a different message to the person we are saying it to. (Show the kids)

2. We communicate with body language
-How else do you communicate besides with words? Body Language. Without saying a word we can communicate our feelings.

(You could have the kids demonstrate)

3.If we want to be a peacemaker we have to choose to guard our mouth and tongue.
-What does that mean?
-Can you say anything you want when you are in a conflict with someone?

4.You cannot take back words you have spoken.
-Today I brought a tube of toothpaste with me.
-If a squeeze out the toothpaste, who will come and put it back in the tube for me?
-Have a volunteer try.
-You cannot put the toothpaste back once it has gone out of the tube.
-Neither can you take words back that you have spoken.
-When you are in a conflict if you speak mean, hurtful words you cannot take them back.
-You can apologize. You can say nice things, but you cannot take back the mean things you have spoken.

We need to guard what comes out of our mouth when we are in a conflict. It is easy not to think when we are facing a difficult situation. We need to ask God to help us think before we communicate in a conflict.
