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Conflict Starts In The Heart

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Peacemaker

Verse: Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9


2 trees
Messages below written on appropriate paper



Introduction: Over the next few weeks we are going to talk about being a peacemaker. We have learned from our memory verse that one of the jobs of being a peacemaker is to resolve conflicts. For our whole life we will be faced with conflicts and we will be faced with situations where we need to avoid conflicts.

What is a conflict?
(A fight, argument, disagreement, quarrel)

Who can remember the ways we deal with conflicts - good and bad?

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The Bible teaches us that conflict starts in the heart.

Many of our conflicts happen because of the thoughts we have in our heart. Jesus always told stories and used illustrations so we could understand things better. Jesus used a tree to help us understand how everything begins in the heart. The illustration teaches us how our actions and words are a result of what is in the heart.

Let me read what Jesus said in the Bible. Then I will explain it so you understand with my trees I brought today.

"No good tree bears tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."


Each tree represents a kind of person - evil person - good person.

What is hidden under the ground? - The root. The root is like our heart. Our heart (meaning our thoughts, and feelings) is hidden inside of us. The root of a tree is like our heart. You cannot see the root of a tree. The root of a tree is very important to a tree. It provides food for the tree. It helps the tree stand strong and tall.

If the root of a tree is bad, it will affect the entire tree and the fruit of the tree. Just like if our heart is bad, it affects our entire life. If the root of a tree is good, the tree will grow big and strong and produce good fruit.

(Have a heart full of thoughts on each tree near the root. Color-code the thought with the correct fruit on each tree. Have a volunteer pick a thought out of the heart. Read it and find the matching fruit. Do this for each tree.)

Go through the evil tree first, then the good tree.

Bad Tree

Root: You think you are better than others. You don't like to be wrong.
Fruit: Pride - You become defensive and argumentative when someone corrects you.

Root: You want your own way.
Fruit: Selfishness - You will argue, nag, whine, lie, or throw a fit to try and get people to give into your desires.

Root: You want more and more. You are not happy with what you have.
Fruit: Greed - You complain that you don't have what other people have. You take things that don't belong to you.

Root: You are afraid of what others will think of you. You want others to like you so much. You want people to approve and applaud your efforts.
Fruit: Fear of Others - You won't tell your friends that you are a Christian because you are afraid of what they will think. You go along with whatever your friends say or do even if you know it is wrong because you want them to like you.

Root: You want what others have. You are not happy with what you have.
Fruit: Envy - If your sister gets a new shirt you want one too. You will make fun of people who do better than you a something. You may even try to steal something you really want.

Root: You don't want to work. You do not fulfill your responsibilities.
Fruit: Laziness - You refuse to do your chores or schoolwork. You favorite thing to do is sit in front of the TV.

Root: You are afraid of losing the love of friendship of someone special if the other person pays attention to someone else.
Fruit: Jealousy - You become angry with your friend for inviting another friend to do something. You try everything you can to break up their friendship.

Good Tree

Root: the desire to love and please God all the time

Fruit: Love - You show unselfish concern for others and you desire good things for them.

Fruit: Patience - You will wait without grumbling and complaining.

Fruit: Kindness - You are interested in others. You are considerate and helpful.

Fruit: Gentleness - You are kind and loving towards other not harsh and violent.

Fruit: Joy - You are always happy no matter what, and you try to make others happy.

Fruit: Peace - You try to bring peace to every situation in your life even if it means you need to overlook something someone did.

Fruit: Self-control - You do what is right in every situation we face no matter what.