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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Peacemaker





Introduction: We can read about the conflict Joseph faced in his life in the Bible. We can learn something from Joseph’s conflicts. His conflicts were an opportunity. He had the opportunity to: Glorify God (Show that God is number one)
Serve others
Increase his Christian Character

-It seemed like Joseph had everything going for him. He was his dad’s favorite. There were 12 brothers.
-He didn’t have to go work with his brothers.
-His dad gave him a new coat.

-His brothers hated him so much and were so angry they were just looking for the chance to get even. That day came. One day Joseph went to check on his brothers. Who knows what happened? (They beat him up, tore off his coat, and sold him to slaves. They covered to coat with animal blood and told their dad a wild animal ate him.)

-Joseph could have made a choice to hate God and his brothers. He did not may a “my way” choice.

-Joseph went to work for a very important man. He was doing well again. He served his boss with all his heart. He had favor with his boss. Just as things were looking up. The boss’ wife decided she wanted to “get” Joseph. So she made up a lie that had Joseph thrown in jail.

-Joseph could have made a selfish bad choice. Instead he decided to continue to serve God and not become angry. In jail Joseph had the opportunity to help some men.

-They promised to help Joseph when they got out but they forgot about them. Joseph continued to love and trust God.

-Then Joseph had the opportunity to help the king.

-The king liked Joseph and he went to work for the king. Joseph had the opportunity to save thousands of lives when there was to be a drought. The king put him in charge of collecting food for everyone.

-One day his brother’s came for food. Joseph had choice to make (my-way or wise-way). He chooses to forgive his brothers, be kind to them and share with them.

Conclusion: When we face conflicts and difficult situations, we need to decide to make right choices. Joseph chose to see his situations as opportunities to:
-Glorify God
-Serve others
-Increase Christian Character

Pledge: When I face conflicts I will do my best to glorify God, serve others, and increase Christian character. I will not make selfish choices that lead to bad feelings and consequences.