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Peace With God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Peacemaker

Verse: Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9


coat and hat
Dirty Dishes
Dirty Clothes
Book bag




1. What does it mean to be a peacemaker?
-Bringing reconciliation
-Peace– opposite of conflict, disagree, violence, uproar
-One who helps resolve conflict, disagreement
-One who brings freedom, and quietness

Happy, satisfied and joyful is the person who brings freedom, reconciliation, and resolves conflicts. (On a poster board have Happy, satisfied and joyful. On another poster board have freedom, reconciliation, and resolves conflict)

2. Peacemakers are sons of God.

What is a “son” of God? – A child of God

How do we become a child of God? We must decide to live for Jesus.

If peacemakers are children of God, then Children of God need to be peacemakers.


Probably a lot of you already have God’s peace in your heart.

One thing is for sure- you will never have peace in your heart when there are certain problems with your heart.

Tonight I brought along some problems that I know many of you have. The reason I know many of you have these problems is because I interviewed some of your parents to find out what problems you have so we could help fix them

Problem #1 – The coat and hat problem
-Most kids have a really hard time with their coat and hat. For some reason they are so hard to hand up and put away.
-Who can tell me where you usually put them?
-On the floor, the chair, the table, the lamp

Problem #2 - The dirty dish problem
-Who here eats on dishes?
-It seems that no one under the age of 21 or so likes to do dishes.
-It seems that nobody ever knows what to do with their dirty dishes.
-What do you do with your dirty dishes?
-Leave them in your room, on the floor, on the counter, in the TV room

Problem #3 – The dirty clothes problem
-Who here wears clothes everyday?
-How long have you been wearing clothes?
-It seems as if nobody know where their dirty clothes go.
-What do you do with your dirty clothes?
-Put them back in your drawer, under your bed, in the closest

Problem #4 – The Book bag Dilemma
-Who here takes a book bag to school everyday?
-Who here has ever misplaced your book bag?
-You were sure your dog stole it, or your sister hid it.
-It seems that book bags end up everywhere except where they should.
-Under the bed, in the trunk of the car, at school with your homework

Problem #5 – The toy problem
-Barbies and legos are the worst
-Who here you sort of pick up your toys but you really don’t feel like it, or you are in a hurry to do something more exciting so you leave a few pieces around?
-Then someone steps on your legos – it isn’t pleasant.

The Solution
-What if I told you today that I had a solution to all these problems you have while growing up?
-Who would want the solution to these problems?
-Supposed I invented a robot that would take care of all your needs including doing your homework.
-Imagine never having to do another dish, or pick up your dirty clothes, or do homework.

The Solutions To Another Problem
-I don’t have a solution to all the problems we just talked about, but did you know that you have a bigger problem in your life – It is SIN
-Sin causes all kinds of conflicts and problems in your life.
-What is sin? (The bad things you do)
-Sin is a really big problem – the worst in the world.
-Sin keeps us from being friends with God
-Sin makes us feel sad and unhappy inside
-Sin keeps us away from heaven

-There is a solution to sin.
-The solution is Jesus
-Jesus tells us he will carry all our sins. It doesn’t matter what we have done or for how long we have done it.
-The Bible says, “He personally carried the load of all our sins in his own body when He died on the cross, so that we can be finished with sin, and live from now on for all that is good. For his wounds have healed ours.”
-Jesus is the great problem solver and peacemaker – He solves our sin problem, which is far worse than all the problems we talked about tonight.
-He brings us peace no matter what we are facing in our life.

-Who here has ever heard about the story when Jesus calms the storm?
-The disciples and Jesus were out in the boat. Jesus was sleeping and there was a big storm. The disciples got really scared. They woke up Jesus. Jesus told the storm to stop and it stopped.
-In our life we are faced with storms. When we decide to live for Jesus we don’t have to be afraid of the storms. We just have to put our trust in Jesus like the disciples did and Jesus will bring peace to our life.