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Fruit Of The Spirit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Fruit Of The Spirit

Verse: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Against these there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23


Change bag
The Fruit of the Spirit – plastic fruit with a word written on them


On one side of the bag put all the fruit of the Spirit. On the other side there should be nothing.



-Today I am going to show you everything you have when you don’t live for Jesus
-Inside this bag is everything a person has who is not living for Jesus
-I am so excited to show you just what you have.

(Reach in the change bag and feel around. There is nothing. Unzipper the bottom and show the audience there is nothing)

-The bag is empty.
-This is what your life is like when you do not have Jesus.
-You may look great on the outside.
-People try to fill their life with all kinds of things.
-A nice house
-Lots of friends
-A nice car
-All these things leave us empty on the inside.

Living for Jesus.
-When we decide to live for Jesus.
-Jesus fills us up.
-Jesus brings a lot of changes in our life.
-Jesus fills us with good things.
-Pull out a piece of fruit.
-We do not literally become full of fruit but Jesus gives us the fruit of the spirit.
-Jesus gives us – love, joy, peace, patience…
-We become more like Jesus everyday.

(Have a volunteer reach in and pull out the fruit with the words on.)

Conclusion: We do not have to live our lives empty. When we decide to live for Jesus, He fills our life with so many things.