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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Fruit Of The Spirit

Verse: but the spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22


several balloons blown up
Large needle



-In the Bible there is a list of characteristics a Christian should have in their life.
-If you are living for Jesus, you will try your best to have these things in your life.
-They are called the fruit of the Spirit.
-Has anyone ever heard of this before?
-A tree that is healthy and growing produces fruit
-When we are healthy and growing in God we produce something too-the fruit of the Spirit
-There are 9 different fruits
-Over the next few weeks we are going to learn about them
-They will help us to live the way Jesus wants us to live

Object Lesson:
-Some people lose their temper very easy.
-They yell, fight, and do stupid things when they are angry.

Pop balloons for each:
-They get mad when their sister comes in their room
-They get angry when their friend does something they don’t like
-They get angry when they don’t get their own way
-They are grumpy if they have a bad day

-Being angry, jealous, grumpy, in a bad mood, greedy etc. . . – these are not good fruits in our life.
-These feelings and actions do not represent how God wants us to be
-These things do not make Jesus happy at all
-When we act this way we end up doing and saying things we regret.

God’s Fruit
-When we decide to live for Jesus, He wants us to act differently
-Jesus wants us to have the fruits of the Spirit in our life
-The fruits of the spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

-When we have God’s fruit in us then we will deal with everything completely different
(Have a balloon with a spot reinforced with tape. As you are talking stick the needle in the balloon)
-When we face situations we don’t like, we will not blow up
-When our sister our sister comes in our room
-When our friend says something we don’t like
-When we have a bad day
-When we don’t get our own way
-When we are faced with pressure. God doesn’t want us to blow up. He wants to have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control