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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: fruit of the spirit

Verse: But above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:14


2 sets of dress up clothes
Lotta Bowl full of water
Overheads – Colossians 3:14, 1 Corinthians 13



-For the next few weeks we are going to talk about the fruit of the spirit
-The first fruit on the list is love
-What is love?
-When we say, “I Love you” What do we mean?
-I really like you
-Thanks for what you did
-I think your hot
-What is God’s kind of Love?
-Read 1Corinthians 13 – use an over head

1. Above all these things . . . .
In the verses before the Bible lists all these things we need to have in our life

Then the Bible says “But above all these things . . .”

What does this mean?

The very first and most important thing . . .more important than anything in the world is . . .

2. Put on Love

You need:
2 sets of dress-up clothes
2 volunteers
Object: On “go” the volunteers have to put the dress up clothes on as fast as they can. The person to put them on the fastest is the winner.

-Everyday when you get up, you decide what clothes you are going to put on.
-We need to decide to put love on in every situation we are in.

3. What Do We Do Once We Put Love On . . .?
You need:
Lotta Bowl
Pitcher of water

If we put love on in every situation we are in that means . . .

-We need to love our brothers and sisters even when they annoy us
-We need to love our parents even when we disagree with them
-We need to love our teachers even if we think they don’t treat us fairly
-We need to love the kids at school that nobody else loves
-We need to love our enemies.

* We will never run out of love to give away. As a matter of fact the more love we give away, the more love we end up with in our life.

4. Conclusion: The Bible says “love” is what makes us perfect.
If you want to be perfect all you have to remember is “love”
If we have “love” in every situation then we are perfect.

Challenge: Think about a person or situation you need to put love on it. I challenge you this week to put love on in that situation.