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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Fruit Of The Spirit

Verse: And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7






-What is the purpose of an apple tree?
-What is the purpose of a peach tree?
-What is the purpose of an orange tree?
-All these trees produce yummy fruit.

Now if you were walking along the road one day and you came across an apple tree with big red apples on it and you were hungry –what would you do?

You would take an apple. You would want some of what that tree has to offer.

Now if you were walking along the road one day and you were really hungry when suddenly you came across a big apple tree with a bunch of rotten apples hanging on it-would you stop and eat some of the apples.

You wouldn’t be interested at all in that tree and what it has produced

The Fruit of the Spirit

-When you decided to live for Jesus, He moved into you.
-Jesus lives inside of you.
-Jesus put his fruit inside of you.
-It is your responsibility to develop and show this fruit – the fruit of the Spirit

Review the fruit of the Spirit

-If we want other people to decide to live for Jesus, we need to show them good fruit so they are interested in living for Jesus.
-If we have bad fruit in our life –people will look at us and want nothing to do with Jesus


“And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

-What is peace? Untroubled, free from conflict

-Guard – means to blow the whistle

-Who blows a whistle? (referees)

-Why do they blow the whistle? (when some is not following the rules or when someone goes out of bounds)

-The peace of God is like a referee in our life.

-When we are living for God – when we are walking, and talking and living the way Jesus wants us to everything is fine.

-When we go out of bounds and we don’t follow God’s rules peace blows the whistle. Inside of us we feel yucky.

-Inside we hear – Stop – Hey what are you doing – Don’t do that . . .

Conclusion: Maybe there are boys and girls who don’t really feel like they have peace in their hearts. You know how you should be living but you are having a hard time doing so. Today, we can ask Jesus to forgive us for not living the way He wants us to, and ask Him to help us live for Him everyday.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9