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How To Love God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Mission Possible -Love God

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39


Attached Handouts - 3
3 lists of instructions
3 volunteers that can read and follow instructions


Inside your envelope is a paper with a set of instructions. When I say “go” follow what the instructions say. Now each set of instructions is in a different order, so you cannot just follow the person beside you. We will not know who won until the end.

If they all did it wrong, then say nobody won and have them sit down. Try with new volunteers. Do this until someone gets it right, or have someone read the instructions to the class.

In order to win at this game, you had to read all the instructions carefully, and then follow them. If you did this, you would have only done number 10.

You have to follow the Instructions carefully !!!!!


-What does this have to do with Love the Lord your God . . .”
-The bible teaches in another verse that if we Love God we will obey Him.


-We show God how much we love Him by following His instructions.
-We love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind by following His instructions.
-How do we show God we love Him?
-Where do we find God’s instructions? In the Bible
-In order to follow God’s instructions we need to read the Bible and find out what His instructions are.

We love God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind by carefully reading and following the instructions in the Bible.

Read these instructions all the way through and then do what they say.

1.Jump up and down ten times.
2.Run and touch the back wall, come back and say “I’m back.”

3.Say the alphabet as fast as you can.

4.Pat Josh on the head.

5.Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

6.Turn around three times.

7.Sit on the ground and yell, “I look silly!”

8.Do ten jumping jacks.

9.Say “supercalifragelisticexpealidosious” super loud, 3 times.

10.Only do number 4 and yell, “I’m done!”

Read these instructions all the way through and then do what they say.

1. Say the alphabet as fast as you can.

2. Pat Josh on the head.

3. Sit on the Ground and yell, “I look silly!”

4. Do ten jumping jacks.

5. Say “supercalifragelisticexpealidosious” super loud, 3 times.

6. Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”.

7. Jump up and down ten times.

8. Run and touch the back wall, come back and say “I’m back.”

9. Turn around three times

10. Only do number 2 and yell, “I am done.”