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Ways To Show God We Love Him

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Mission Possible -Love God

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37


Text Book
“How To” Book
Healthy food and a Bible in a Bag
Golf club
Coffee Tin



There are lots of ways we can show God how much we love Him. Today we are going to talk about a few of those ways.

We can show God we love Him by trusting Him.
-Have you ever been lost?
-What do you do when you are lost?
-Use a map
-Ask for directions
-What if you were hiking in the middle of a forest and you suddenly realized you were lost? What would you do?
-You could use a compass to help you.
-The needle on a compass always points north no matter where you are.
-Demonstrate how you could figure out what direction you are going in.
-Just like the needle on the compass always points north, our lives should always point to Jesus.
-Jesus gives us hope, and direction. We need to put our trust in Him. We need to rely on Him.
-The Bible tells us to “fix our eyes on Jesus”

We can show God we love Him by obeying Him.
-I was cleaning out my bookcase this past week and I brought in some books to show you.
-Who can read? Who likes to have someone read to you?
-(Hold up a novel) This was a really good book. It was make-believe, but my imagination had a good time.
-(Hold up a text book) This is a good book. It isn’t a story, and it can be boring to sit down and read from front to back. It has a lot of information in, and is good to use for schoolwork and research. It is interesting when you read one or tow chapters in it.
-(Hold-up a “how to” book) This is a good book if you want to _____________. It will teach you everything you need to know about _______________.
-Can anyone think of some other good books?
-(Hold up the Bible) This is the best book in the world to read. You can read it over and over and over again. God used different people to write the Bible. It contains the story of God’s Love for us. It also has instructions for us to follow.
-The Bible tells us how to live for Jesus. When we decide to live for Jesus we need to read our Bibles every day.
-We can show God we love Him by reading and obeying what is written in the Bible
-I may never read these books again (hold up previous ones). I will always read my Bible over and over again.

We can show God we love Him by spending time with Him.
-Put various fruits, nuts, a few healthy foods, and a Bible in a bag.
-How many of you feel healthy and strong today?
-I brought some food that makes our bodies strong.
-Show the food.
-What is it in these foods that make our bodies strong? Vitamins.
-Do you know that sometimes our bodies can be strong but our hearts are not?
-Sometimes we can have bad feelings in our hearts
-We might be angry at our parents
-We might be scared
-We might be sad because we lost something
-Do you know what can make our hearts strong? – Spending time with God
-In Psalms it says, “God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
-God has power to heal our hearts, take away our fears, and make us happy.
-If we want a strong heart we need to spend time with God by praying, going to church, going to Kidz Club, and reading your Bible.

We can show God we love Him by telling others about Him.
-God wants the whole entire world to know about Him and the fact that Jesus died for us.
-We need to point others in the direction of Jesus. (Have a golf club that represents us, a ball that represents our friends, and a bucket that represents Jesus)
-What are some things we can do to point others to Jesus (as you are talking hit the ball towards the bucket)
-Do something kind for a friend or neighbor
-Invite someone to church
-Talk about Jesus love
-Pray for someone
-We have to be careful not to do things that would point others away from Jesus (as you talk about these things hit the ball away)
-Saying mean words
-Name calling
-Disobeying your parents
-God wants our lives to tell about Jesus love. This makes Him happy with us and is a way we can show our love to Him.