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Obeying God’s Word

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Mission Possible -Love God

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. . . Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39


a simple picture the teacher has drawn
2 tables
2 volunteers



-What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment?
-How do we show God we love Him?
-We show God we love him by obeying Him.
-Jesus said, “If you love me you will obey my command.”
-Where do we find Jesus’ commands?
-The Bible
-Today we are going to talk a little more about the Bible
-If we are going to Love God with all our heart we are going to obey what is written in the Bible.

Object Lesson: Following God’s Plan
Teacher – A head of time, draw something simple on a piece of poster board. Do not show anyone what you have drawn.

-Choose 2 volunteers to come to the front who are good artists
-Explain that you are going to give them 2-3 minutes to draw the same picture that you have on your paper.
-Chose someone who will judge who did the best job.
-Hold up your paper, but so the volunteers cannot see it.
-Have them start. Do not let them see what is on your paper.
-When they complain and argue, explain that this is really a simple drawing. They should have no problems with this game.

-Who thinks it is much easier to follow a plan if you know what the plan is.
-If you show this drawing to these volunteers who thinks they will be able to draw the picture.
-Show them the drawing and let them have 1-2 minutes to complete it.
-Give them both candy for winning.

-Boys and girls, in order for us to follow God’s plan for our life we need to first see or read God’s plan. If you don’t know God’s plan for how to live, then how are you going to obey it? We need to read our Bibles and come to church as much as possible so we can learn to obey God.

Object Lesson: The Bible is like a mirror

-In the New Testament, we can learn that the Bible is like a mirror.
-That sounds funny because when I look in the Bible I do not see myself like I do a mirror.
-If I look in this mirror – what do I see?
-Maybe we really can see ourselves in the Bible?

-When I wake up in the morning, I look a mess. Anybody else have that problem.
-There is no way I am going anywhere looking like that.
-So, I go to the mirror.
-I see what looks a mess and I fix it.
-I use some gel, some hair spray and some make-up to make myself look better.

When we read our Bibles, we can see the areas we have messed up in. We see the areas we need to fix or change. If we want to be more like Jesus then we fix those areas.

Today we have learned that we need to read our Bibles and learn what the Bible says. When we read our Bible we will see the things we need to do to obey God. When we obey God we are showing our love to God.