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Serve Others

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Mission Possible -Love God, Serve Others

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37


Paper Clips
Tangled bunch of paper clips
2 sticks
Grapes in 2 bowls



-Hold up a few paper clips – What are they for? What do they do?
-Their name tells us what they do. Paper clip. They clip papers
-If I want to keep these papers together (hold up a bunch of papers), then I could use a paperclip to hold them together
-If I didn’t use a paperclip to hold them together, then they would get all messed up
-Paperclips don’t do much good in their box. Usually they just get tangled up
-Pull out a bunch of tangled paperclips.
-When they do what they are met to do they are very useful.
-Christians are sort of like paperclips
-“Christian” means follower of Christ.
-What do you think a Christian’s job is?
-We are to follow Christ.
-How are some ways we can follow Christ?
-One of the most important things Jesus did when He was alive was serve others.
-There are lots of stories that teach us about serving and loving each other.
-Jesus said that
-The first most important thing we do is love God with all our heart, soul and mind
-The second most important thing we do is love our neighbor
-Can you think of some ways we can serve each other?

Serving each other makes life so much easier.
-Have you ever thought about how important your elbows are?
-Pick two volunteers to come up to the front.
-Tie a piece of wood to the inside of their arm (so it won’t move) making sure it crosses over their elbows.
-Have them stand at the table and eat something – grapes work well.
-Watch them try to eat grapes.
-It is impossible to eat grapes without your elbows.
-How could you help each other eat the grapes?
-Have the volunteers demonstrate
-The Bible tells us that one of the best ways to love each other is by serving or helping each other.

The Good Samaritan
-You could have volunteers help you tell/act out the story if you want

-Jesus told a story that explains how we should love and serve other people. The name of the story is THE GOOD SAMARITAN

Once there was a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On his way, robbers attacked him and beat him. Then took away his clothes and left him to die. A little while later a priest came walking down the road. He saw the man but he kept on walking. Soon a Levite, a priest’s assistant, came walking down the road. He lowered his eyes, turned head away from the man and kept walking.

A little while later, a man from Samaria was the beaten up man as he walked along the road. Even though the traveler was from a different country, the Samaritan felt sorry for the man. He picked up the man, cleaned him up, bandaged his wounds and put the man on his own donkey. The Samaritan took the man into the nearest town to an inn (a hotel). He cared for the hurt man and paid the innkeeper for all of the man’s expenses.

Jesus ended by saying “Who do you think was a good neighbor to the man who was robbed?

The law expert Jesus was talking to answered, “The one who took care of him.”

Jesus said, “Go and do the same thing.”

If we are going to be Christians, followers of Christ, then we need to serve others just as the Good Samaritan.