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We Are All Important To God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Mission Possible -Love God, Serve Others

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:37 & Matthew 22:38


various pairs of shoes
colored popcorn
plain popcorn
popped corn
paper chain made up of all different links.


Teach the kids:
Adult ask: “ What is your mission?”

Kids respond: “Love God, serve others!”


1. One of the ways we show love for each other is by respecting each other.
2. What does it mean to respect someone?
a. To highly value someone
b. To recognize the worth of someone
3. We are all equal and we are all important to God. Even when you are different or think different from someone you need to respect the other person.

We are all equally important to God.
(Line up shoes -fancy, old, holey ones etc.)

1. (Hold up fancy shoes) Do you think you could get into heaven wearing these shoes?
2. (Hold up smelly old shoes) Do you think you could get into heaven wearing these shoes?
3. Which pair of shoes does God like the best?
4. There is a story in the Bible that talks about this sort of thing. Let me tell you about it.
a. Once there was a big, beautiful church. Just after the Sunday morning service began in walk a very well dressed man wearing a very fine suit and very fine shoes. Immediately the usher’s show him to the front row Saying “this seat is saved for you.”
b. Soon after a man walks into church dressed in filthy, smelly old clothes with a holey pair of shoes on. Immediately the ushers show him to a seat in the back corner, near nobody.
c. After James tells the story he says Friends how can you call yourself a Christian and treat people in such a way. God gives everyone the same rights and privileges-it doesn’t matter how a person is dressed. We are all equal to God and we are all important in Gods Kingdom.
5. Now think back to the shoes. Say I am like the second man in the story-dressed in smelly, old clothes with holey shoes, and I die. What would God say about my clothes? Would He let me in heaven? It doesn’t matter what I am wearing to God. God loves and accepts me just the way I am.

6. Are we supposed to act the same way? The Bible says if we are Christians that we should act like our Father in heaven.
7. So, a new person moves into your neighborhood-How do you decide if you like them or not? By their looks, by their clothes, by what they own? Is this what God wants us to look at?

We are all different on the outside, but what counts is on the inside.
1. Look at this popcorn. What is different about it?
2. It is all different colors, sizes, and shapes.
3. Just like we are all different colors, sizes. We have different hair, different clothes.
4. It would be boring if we were all the same. This is called gourmet popcorn because it is extra special-it is not boring old popcorn like this.
5. Now when you pop this gourmet popcorn, it looks the same on the inside -white and fluffy.
6. In some ways God made humans all the same on the inside. He gave us all feelings, and a will that lets us make decisions, and a mind to think with. God gave all of us a desire to have a relationship with Him.
7. Us all being different is a good thing. We can learn from each other and enjoy each other. We need to respect our differences, and realize that different is not bad. God made you and He made you special jus like He made the person beside you special.

We all have an important job to do.
1. Hold up the paper chain-note that each link is different.
2. Even though all the links are very different they all have one thing in common. What is that?
3. Each link is very important to holding this chain together.
4. No link can say “I am too small.”
5. No person in Gods kingdom is too small or too unimportant.
6. Each of us is important. We all have some important job to do.
7. We need to help each other and support each other.
8. What happens if just one link breaks -the whole chain is ruined.
9.What if I said- ?I am not going to teach kids anymore-its too hard - I could ruin Gods plans for someone’s life because I wasn’t their to help them along life’s path.
10. Even though your friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters are different from you-they might annoy you -you need to he their for them
11. You need to respect them. You need to realize that they are worth a lot to God.

We need to be the one’s to judging people by what they look like, stop being disrespectful of people. We need to realize everyone is important to God and that God has a special job for everyone to do -a doctor, lawyer, a nurse, a good mommy, a teacher, and a preacher. God has a special job for the person sitting next to you. That person is just as important to God as you are whether they are wearing Nike shoes or old smelly holey shoes.