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Faith- Impressing Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Walk, Talk, And Live Like Jesus

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5


2 plants -one in good soil, one in sand




A. Review the definition of trust -rely on God
To put your faith in God
B. How many of you have heard I’d have to see it to believe it.

C. For example your brother says he can do this amazing trick on his skateboard. Do you just believe him or do you want to see it?
D. That is how Thomas was -one of Jesus disciples.
E. After Jesus died on the cross, He rose from the dead. Some people had already seen Jesus alive, but Thomas hadn’t.
F. Thomas said he would not believe Jesus was alive until he saw Jesus. Then when he saw Jesus. He had to touch the sores from the nails that were on Jesus. Finally Thomas stopped doubting that Jesus was alive.
G. Jesus said Blessed are those who have not seen but believe.
H. Can you see the air/ the wind?
I. How do you know it exists?
J. When we move the air we can feel it. (Use a fan to illustrate)
K. Can we see sound waves?
L. No, but when we hear a loud noise we know they are there.
M. Can you think of other things we cant see but we know exist?

2. Believing without seeing
A. Put an apple somewhere in the room.
B. Get a volunteer to come up. -Ask them where the apple is.
C. Blindfold them and ask them where the apple is.
D. Have another volunteer come up. -Ask them where the apple is.
E. Move the apple.
F. Ask the blindfolded person where the apple is. (They wont be able to answer)
G. Ask the non-blindfolded person where the apple is.
H. Now ask the blindfolded person where the apple is.
I. How did you know where the apple is? Do you believe us?
J. That is how our relationship with God should be. We need to trust God even though we cannot see Him.
K. Some people say, “seeing is believing.” That is not the way it is with God.
L. Jesus said “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
M. We can’t see God-but we do trust Him, have faith in Him and rely on Him.

3. Where Is our Faith?
A. Here are 2 plants. They are the same kind of plants. (Tell their name)
B. What do you think the difference is between the 2 plants?
1. One is watered, one is not
2. One got sun, one did not.
C. Look at the soil they are planted in. One is planted in sand and the other is planted in good rich soil.
D. Most plants do not grow well in sand. There is not enough food on the sand.
E. In the soil there are lots of vitamins and minerals. The roots of the plant are able to anchor well and grow good in the rich soil. The soil holds water good too.
F. Where a plant grows and puts down its roots makes a big difference. (Hold up the 2)
G. God compares us to plants in the Old Testament.
H. God said where we put down our roots -our trust, makes a big difference.

1. If we put our trust in other people and things we wont grow.
a. People don’t always tell you the right thing.
b. People don’t always stand by you.
c. Things get ruined and disappear easily.
2. The Bible says if we trust in others we are like a plant growing in the desert. (Hold up bad plant)
3. If we put our trust in God we will grow strong
a. God will never leave you.
b. God will always love.
c. God always wants what is best for you
4. The Bible says if we trust in God that we are like a tree planted by the water (a river) (Hold up the good plant)

4. Growing Strong Faith
A. How do we grow strong?
1. By lifting weights (have some to practice with)
2. If you lift weights everyday you will grow strong.

B. How does our faith grow strong?
1. By reading Gods Word.
2. By trusting in God everyday.

5. Conclusion: Impressing Jesus
A. What does it mean to impress someone?
B. How can you impress your friends?
1. Invite them over for pizza
2. Show them a new skateboarding trick/basketball trick you learned
C. How can you impress your parents?
1. Cleaning your room
2. Doing all your homework
D. How could you impress Jesus?
1. Help others
2. Read your Bible
3. Pray
4. Go to church
E. The Bible says there is only one way to impress Jesus - With our faith.
-Trusting and relying in Jesus is the only way to please Him.