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Following Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Walk, Talk, And Live Like Jesus

Verse: Who ever claims live in Him must walk as Jesus did. 1 John 2:6


Very tall vase or glass
Sulfuric acid – be very careful and only use a little bit. It is very expensive and it will eat through anything except glass. Do not get it on you skin.
White powdered sugar
Baking soda (a box)



-Who can remember the verse we have been talking about?

1 John 2:6 “Who ever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.”

-What does this verse mean? (IF we decide to life for Jesus then we need to live like Jesus in every area of our life.

-The verse could also say, “Whoever claims to follow Jesus must walk the way Jesus walked.”

-What do you think it means to follow Jesus?

-In our world today there are a lot of things and people to follow because of advertising. Can you name some?

-TV - Tells us which show we just can’t miss
-What the best cell phone is to buy
-What kind of car we need to have

-Peers at school- What the newest fashions are
-Who we should to hand around
-What we should do to be popular

- What the latest music is that we need to listen to
- Who the best singers are
- How we should act so we are just like those popular music artist

-Sports heroes – How we are to act
-What brand names we need in clothes or shoes

-The world is always telling us what to follow and it is very costly to follow these things.
-How easy is it to follow Jesus when the “world’s” advertising seems much flashier?
-Following Jesus isn’t easy when the world is constantly “advertising” other things that you must follow.
-How do you think you follow Jesus even when everyone else says Follow me?

Sin says “Follow me”

The Bible teaches us something very important in James 1:14-15.

It is the evil that a person wants that tempts him. His own evil desire leads him away and holds him. This desire causes sin. Then the sin grows and brings death.

-This verse show us how sin works

1.There is a thought or an advertisement that causes us to do something we know we should not do. That thought or advertisement looks so good and is sweet – like sugar.

(Have some sugar and allow some people to taste it)

2.That thought or advertisement might look good at first but it leads us away from God.

(Pour sugar in a tall glass vase)

3.That sin that pulled us away from God now leads to more sin. For example one lie leads to another lie.

(Pour Sulfuric acid onto the sugar. In a minute or two the sugar starts to turn black and stink. It will begin to grow too. As this is happening make point #4 and #5)

4.Soon we end up with a really big mess.

5.The little thought ends up growing into a big sin.

-Boys and girls before you know it you have gone from following Jesus to following sin. Your life is a big mess.

Conclusion: When we decide to live for Jesus, He expects that we are going to do our best to follow Him. We are not going to listen to or follow things especially not sin.

Boys and girls Jesus expects us to stay away from sin, so we don’t find ourselves in a really big mess.
(Pour baking soda on the sugar and sulfur when you want the experiment to end.)