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Honor Your Parents

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Walk, Talk, And Live Like Jesus

Verse: Honor your father and mother. Ephesians 6:2


Definitions of words on paper
Masking tape
1 can of peanuts
1 can of peanuts with a snake



-What does honor mean? (Write definitions on a large piece of paper)
-Doing what has been asked the first time
-Saying “I love you” without being asked
-Doing a job before being asked
-Always telling the truth
-Speaking kindly in every situation
-What does dishonor mean? (Write the definitions on a small piece of paper)
-Not obeying the first time
-Shouting instead of talking calmly
-Breaking rules
-Not doing your chores

Now we are going to play a game.
-Choose 3 boys and 3 girls
-You have to stay behind the tape
-The object is to get the balloon to the other team using only the pieces of paper. (One team uses the “honor paper”, one team uses the “dishonor paper”)
-You want to keep the balloon away from your team.

3.The Game Object
-Was it easier to win using “honor” or “dishonor”?
-It is easier to live your life honoring your parents and others than choosing dishonor.

4.The Story of The Really Bad Son
-Once there was a man with 2 sons
-One son was really good-always obeyed, helped, honored
-The other son was really bad- disobeyed, dishonored, lazy
-When the bad son grew up, he went to his parents as asked for the money they were saving for him for college.
-He said he would never make it to college, and he wanted to move out.
-Sadly they gave him the money. He left
-He went to the big city and wasted it all – party, drinking, drugs.
- One day he was hungry with no place to go. He was sleeping under bridges, picking through garbage cans for food.
-He thought about all the people that worked for his parents. How they got paid, had a place to sleep and food.
-He decided to return home to his dad and ask for a job.
-When he was a long way off, his dad saw Him.
-His dad ran and hugged him. He called for a worker to get the son a new outfit.
-He called for another worker to plan a welcome home party.
-The son said I am so ashamed I am not worthy of this treatment.
-The dad said, “You are my son, I love you and I am happy you are home.”
-The son realized that dishonoring his parents only lead to his own destruction. When he returned home his heart was different.

5.Be Inside Minded
-What do I have here?
-Who likes peanuts? (Pick a volunteer to come up and try some. When they open it, a snake will jump out)
-This can of peanuts reminds me of some kids attitudes toward their parents.
-How many of you kids obey your parents?
-Did you know there is a difference between honor and obey?
-Honor is an attitude of the heart.
-Have you ever seen a mom as a kid to go make their bed? The kid went to make his bed all right but the whole time he was complaining and had an attitude.
-That kid may have obeyed his mom, but he did not honor his mom.
-(Hold up a true can of peanuts) Honor is when our heart matches our actions.
- Your parents might not see your heart but God does.
- The really bad son realized while he was away that he needed to honor his parents.

a. Who thinks that when you grow up you won’t have to obey or honor anyone? You can do whatever you want.
b. That is wrong if you are going to walk talk and live like Jesus, you have to honor Jesus forever.
c. If you get a job you have to honor your boss.
d. If you want to live a peaceful life you have to honor the laws.