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I Have Sinned -Glass Of Water

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23


1 clear glass with water in it
Dirt – in another glass or bag
1 spoon


-Hold up the cup of clear water. This glass of water represents our lives.
-As we live our life we make choices about the things we do.
-Everybody makes some bad choices. These bad choices are called sin.
-The Bible says that everyone has sinned.
-This is what happens to our lives. (Add a scoop of dirt to the clean water)
-Now my water is dirty. Nobody wants to drink water like this
-Sin makes us dirty. Sin makes us feel sad, angry and confused.
-When we sin we mess up our lives.
-Can you name some things we do to mess up our lives (Each time adding a scoop of dirt.)?
